Out of Balance Employees

Teams and employees that are out of balance helps maintain a healthier workplace, happier teams, and a more lucrative atmosphere. But how do you recognize the signs? Here is more on how to tell that your employees may be becoming burned out or disengaged.


The Perils of Unbalanced Employees and Teams

An unbalanced work-life causes trouble for the individual, as well as the company. This unbalance can lead to burnout and disengagement, which benefits no one. Your employee suffers and can bring the team down, not to mention their own struggles which are important to the health of them and the company.


How To Recognize the Signs of Disengagement

One of the most important skills is knowing how to recognize when your employees or team members experience disengagement or burnout. Some ways you may be able to tell are:

  • Dissatisfied customers. If your employee usually performs well and suddenly isn’t, there is usually a reason. Keep an eye on those whose work ethic has changed or those who are suddenly getting complaints not there in the past.
  • Lack of communication. Employees with burnout may start to close up communication. They no longer seem motivated and don’t ask questions. They’ll seem disengaged, which is likely the issue at-hand.
  • Complaining. It’s normal for a team member to complain about something they’re unhappy with. But if your employee is constantly at-odds with others or complaining a lot out of the blue, there is a deeper issue that needs exploring.
  • Late or absent employees. Employees may be late sometimes, and they may miss work. But if you have an employee who is typically prompt and suddenly starts missing work or coming in late a lot, there may be a burnout issue.


What To Do

The first thing to do is to recognize these signs. Not all may be contributed to an out of balance work-life, but that is what is important to find out.

If you talk to your employee, ask them kindly if something is going on. Instead of burnout, it may be a problem at home, such as a separation. There may be a health issue they are dealing with. There may be a number of reasons why they’re performing different from before.

Yet, if there is no specific reason why things have changed, they may have a work-life that is out of balance. If so, this is where you can help.

According to The Muse:

Or, if your employee doesn’t readily offer up an explanation, ask questions that allow him or her to bring up the possibility of burnout. Try: “What do you have on your plate right now—and if you had the choice, how would you change it?” or “I noticed that you’re not quite producing at the same level as last month. What’s keeping you from getting there?”

Some employees get overwhelmed at work and this leads to working long hours to get the job done. This then can lead to imbalance in the team member’s work-life. If that is the case, make adjustments if possible. Make sure your employee takes their lunch break or leaves on time.

Some jobs expect their employees to do whatever it takes to get the job done. But this doesn’t help your company if it causes a decline in productivity or dissatisfied customers. Do what it takes to make this balance possible, and you’ll see a difference in how well the employee performs, which benefits you as a manager or executive.



Synergy Solutions is an executive and contract search firm focused on roles within the technology sector. If you have questions regarding this article or would like to discuss strategy on open roles at your company, please contact us and someone will get back to you with the next 24 hours.

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